Digital dental scanning technology for Glissade Dental


Glissade Dental manufactures the Intra-Oral Dental Scanner (IODS), a low-cost, high-precision 3D oral scanner. The company aims to disrupt the market for digital dental scanners by offering its low-cost dental imaging device. The device uses patented Emission Re-absorption Laser-Induced Fluorescence (ERLIF) technology created by MIT Professor Douglas Hart. The device has completed its functional alpha prototype and has entered the preliminary clinical testing phase.

Name: Glissade Dental

Industry: Healthcare

Location: Boston, MA, USA


  • Glissade dental scanner was producing poor quality scanned data with lots of noise and holes
  • Scanned data was not directly usable for dental treatment planning without further processing
  • It used to take lots of time and effort to clean up the data and prepare for treatment planning


  • Developed a state-of-the-art algorithm to create a high-quality surface mesh and fill holes from scanned data automatically
  • Software was implemented using C++ and delivered as a library to be integrated with their application
  • Helped integrate the library with a desktop application built using C++, Qt, OpenCV, and OpenGL


  • Fully automated process to reconstruct 3D model from scanned data with noise and gaps/holes due to missing data
  • Reduced the time it takes to clean up the scanned data from hours to minutes
  • The result is a high-quality surface mesh that can be used for treatment planning and 3D printing
Scan with noise and holes (input)
High-quality mesh (output)
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