Pointbasis helped Verisurf develop mesh tools library


Verisurf is a measurement solutions company focused on accelerating measurement processes for precision inspection, product assembly, and reverse engineering. Our experts keep manufacturers ahead of rapidly changing technology through the implementation of 3D measurement solutions with comprehensive installation and support services delivering  maximum return on investment.

Name: Verisurf Software

Industry: Metrology Software

Location: Anaheim, CA, USA


  • Create a mesh from large point cloud data
  • Fill holes and gaps
  • Segment mesh into regions for reverse engineering
  • Optimize surface mesh to improve the quality
  • Extract skin of self-interesting and overlapping surface meshes


  • Developed a mesh tools library with 10+ mesh processing tools
  • Integrated with an application including user interface development
  • For example, optimize mesh tool to optimize surface mesh using edge split, collapse, swap, and node smoothing operations


Scanned mesh (input)
Optimized mesh (output)
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